Featured Artist – Annemarie Bourke

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Link to Annemarie Bourke Guest Gallery

Link to Annemarie Bourke Website www.annemariebourke.com


Annemarie Bourke

Working from her Gallery / Studio in O’Connell St, Limerick where she paints daily, and runs inspiring workshops for aspiring artists.

Annemarie’s love affair with painting began in Killaloe, where she spent her childhood on the shores of Lough Derg, sketching and painting along the canal, and as a result she has a wonderful empathy for the Irish landscape.

She paints in watercolour, oil, and pastel and covers a huge range of subjects ie, landscapes, seascapes, flowers, and still-life , “ I don’t paint objects …I paint light , and the way light effects the subject has always fascinated me.

Annemarie began her professional career in 1990 and has exhibited widely in both Ireland and France. She is also a popular tutor both at home and abroad . She is a member of the Jury Panel of the International Watercolour Society.
Annemarie travels extensively throughout Europe painting on location, capturing the essence of the place, in her own inimitable style.
Annemarie has had many successful exhibitions both at home and abroad, and her work can be found in many corporate and private collections worldwide.

• 2002 – 2004 Chairperson, Limerick Art Society
• 2004 – 2006 P.R.O. Limerick Art Society
• 2006 – 2010 Director, Gallery 75 Limerick
• 2002 – P.A. – S.A.A. London
• 2012 – Jury Panel Member , International Watercolour Society
• 2012 – 12/12/12 Collection , University of Limerick Art Collection

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